Sunday, December 21, 2008

Wii...Oh Ma Ma

The video is titled, "Why I'll never own a Wii" I do, but don't own a plasma so I guess I'm safe.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

DTV Conversion

This video provided as a public service in anticipation of the conversion to digital television

Monday, November 3, 2008


No matter who your candidate is, get out and vote.

After tomorrow, your answering machine will be much quieter.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Airbags for the elderly

Another view :-)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dramatic Cat

Dedicated to Sambora

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mona Lisa in in 80 milliseconds

The guys from Mythbusters explain parallel possessing with a GPU.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Paush 47

Departing from the usual comical nature of my blog, I am sad to hear of the death of Dr. Randy Paush. He was the inspirational professor from Carnegie Mellon whose video "The Last Lecture" had over 3 million views on YouTube after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was 47.

For those who haven't seen the video, here's a link

He also had a wonderful video on time management

Friday, July 4, 2008

We The People

After a hiatus in June, I thought it was time to come back with salute to the U.S.A.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

"Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy (Take #1)

This a response to JMo's newly discovered KISS video. Below is a rare first take of Weird AL.

I think Larry might enjoy this too. Ok... A bonus for Larry

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sumsing Turbo 3000xi Multitask

Someone on my team got a new cellphone. Don't think it was this one.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

Dramatic Lemur

This was my reaction when I found out I was nominated for a Blogaroni.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dog Vs. Balloons

This reminds me of the aftermath of a certain Manager's birthday celebration

Tuesday, January 1, 2008